Fluid Networks workshop is using at least 3 different boards, two microcontrollers (MKR 1010 from Arduino, and lately Wio Terminal from Seeedstudio) and a Single Board PC, namely a Raspberry PI (running Node-RED)
Examples for Wio Terminal¶
After introducing the different parts of the kit, we started discovering the different uses of the board and of Arduino code using Tinkergen (online).
Later, we primarly focused on making the board connecrting to the internet, sending readings in JSON format, using MQTT, also using the screen.
Examples (for MKR 1010)¶
Most examples start with a number, and are willing to give a concise and self-explanatory guide to use the sensor with the corresponding board of the kit hookoed up with the MKR Connector Carrier-
- 01 Blink LED
- 02 Pushbutton
- 03 Debounce a Pushbutton
- 04 Servo (loop, knob)
- 05 Analog In & Oit with Serial Port, and how to process data using smoothing and sorting
- 06 OLED uses
- 07 Distance Sensor
- 08 Basic Use of Neopixel
- 09 Basic use of Gesture Sensor
- 10 Using MKR as HID device
- 11 DHT (Temperature & Humidity Sensor)
- 12 Exercise: reading 4 sensors in the serial port
- 13 Basic Use of NFC reader (using Serial)
- 14 TBD
- 15 Basic MQTT use
- 16 MQTT with JSON condition
- 17 Sending a NFC reading using MQTT via JSON
- 18 Exercise: Sending 2 sensors readings via JSON over MQTT
- 19 Exercise: Sending 3 sensors readings via JSON over MQTT
- 20 Exercise: Sending 4 sensors readings via JSON over MQTT
- 21 Blynk Neopixel Example